Tuesday, November 23, 2010


                                        DBS College,Govind Nagar, Kanpur  

                   4th-5th December 2010

Organised By.....
Department of Political Science
D.B.S. College, Govind Nagar, Kanpur.

Dear sir/ Madam
Today we are passing through an environmental transition. The behavior of Nature is socialistic. The disadvantages of the  decay of environmental scenerio will be similar on all the nations and human beings of the world. But no country wants to take the responsibility of this problem.  The World is struggling between developed and developing countries. Many conferences/ Seminars have been organized all around the world but all of them have not reached to any conclusion and result. From 1972 Stockholm conference to Copenhagen conference all efforts became useless.   A lot of organization has been established to resolve the problem like UNEP, UNSO etc. But all are suffering due to the lobbying of Countries. A lot of programmes like Earth Charter, Rio declaration, Nairobi declaration, Agenda 21   etc. had failed to solve these global problems. If we think deeply on these matters we will find that it is not a problem of a single country or an individual. It is the common problem of whole of the world. It should be solved by the combined effort by all of us. With a view to make a fruitful discussion and conclusion we have organized a seminar that will definitely enlighten the people gathered here in this seminar.
The seminar is going to be organized by D.B.S.  College, a well reputed college of CSJM university, Kanpur which is situated in the southern part of Kanpur.
We feel pleasure to inform you that Department of Political Science and Research is going to organize three day National sponsored by University Grant Commission on    4th-5th December, 2010 on “World Environment and Political conflict” at College Auditorium. The publication of the souvenir, seminar proceedings and a book on the theme of the seminar has also be planned. You are requested to send your Abstract, Full text Research paper for their inclusion in souvenir and seminar proceedings. The best 15-20 research paper would also be selected for publication in the book. Last date for accepting the abstract along with research paper is 25th November,2010.
            The research paper may be sent electronically on the following e-mail:

Sub theme:
  1. Anthropocentrism and Environment
  2. Environmental ethics.
  3. Climate change, International Politics and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
  4. Technology and Environment
  5. Role of United Nation in protection of World Environment
  6. From Rio to Copenhagen : An Evaluation of Emerging Concepts and Their Implementation.
  7. Political Dimensions of Environmental Conflicts.
  8. Politics of Foreign Aid.
  9. North-South dialogue and South-South cooperation
  10. World environment and sustainable development.
  11. Conflict Management : Practice, Theory and Reality.
  12. Role of Political Will in Correcting the World Environment.
Chief Patron

Secretary – Board of Management
D.B.S. College, Kanpur
Secretary – Dr. Virendra Swarup Foundation

Joint Secretary-Board of Management
D.B.S. College, Kanpur

Dr. Ashok kumar Srivastava
Principal, D.B.S. College, Kanpur.

Dr. Sunil Kumar Srivastava
Bursar, D.B.S. College, Kanpur.

Organizing Committee
Dr. Bipin Chandra Kaushik (Co convenar)
Dr. Shikha Saxena (Editor)
Dr. Kalpana Pandey (Treasurer)
Dr. Preeti Singh (Media)
Dr. Shyam Ji Srivastav
Dr. R.K.Singh
Dr. Vijay Khare
Dr. Sudhir Tripathi
Dr. Sanjay Sharma
Dr. Kailash Bhargav
Dr. S.P.Singh
Dr. B.S.Sengar
Dr. Atul Tiwari

Programme schedule

4th December 2010
9am-10am  - Registration
10am-1 pm – Inaugural session
1.30pm-5.00pm – Technical session I

5th December 2010
10 am-12.30pm- Technical Session II
12.30 pm- 1.30pm- Pannel discussion
2pm-4pm- Valedictory Session