Our Department

All the members of the department of the Political Science are fully qualified according to the norms of the UGC. They are teaching graduate and post graduate classes very well. They are also involved in research and publishing work.
We try that syllabus will teach in such a manner that it will become more relevant in the changing scenario of globalization and liberalization.
The success rate in the Political Science is almost 75%. Our student Arvind Shukla have third position in the University in 2004-2005. We have our departmental library having 443 books. This library help in updating the knowledge of students, research scholars and teachers.
We have one computer.We follow the time frame prescribed by the University. We also take some extra classes  to complete our syllabus. We promote National and international journals and provide to our students.
All the staff member of Political Science department is actively involved in National and International seminars and also participate in educational activities. In next five years we will promote a healthy educational atmosphere. We are also thinking to launch a journal of Political Science. In next five years our staff member will actively involve in research and publication work.

List of Books Written By
Dr. R.K.Tripathi B.A.I, B.A. II, B.A.III (Political Science)

 Dr. R. K. Tripathi, (Head)
                  M. A., Ph. D.

       Dr. V. C. Kaushik, (Lecturer)
                  M. A., Ph. D., NET

       Dr. Shikha Saxena, (Lecturer)
                  M. A., Ph. D.

       Dr. Kalpana Pandey, (Lecturer) 
                  M. A., Ph. D.
        smt. priti singh, (Lecturer)
                  M. A., NET