Registration form

Registration form

                             (For UGC sponsored National Seminar)
                                      D.B.S. P.G. College, Kanpur
                                      4th -5th December, 2010

  1. Name (with title eg. Dr./Prof. Mr./Ms.) - …………………………………

  1. Designation and College - …………………………………………..

  1. Mailing Address - …………………………………………………………….

  1. Telephone (with STD code)-……………………………………………..

  1. E-mail/ Fax No.-……………………………………………………………

  1. Title of Paper - ……………………………………………………………..

  1. Registration Charges

(i ) Teachers                                         Rs. 500/-
(ii) Research Scholars              Rs. 400
(iii) Students                                       Rs. 200/-
On spot registration would be done only by paying cash Rs. 600/-
Payment can be made by Cash, M.O., Demand draft. Demand draft may be drawn in favour of Dr. R.K.Tripathi, payable at Kanpur.

Please indicate as apporopriate:
Cash……….               M.O. ………
Draft No. ……….      Dt. ……..        Bank ………..
Cheque No. ………    Dt. ………      Bank ……….
Please send the Registration form duly filled along with Registration Fee and Abstract/Full text Research Paper.
No Abstract/Full text Research Paper will be accepted without registration fee.

Date……..                                                      Signature…………
Please Return this form or a photocopy of this form with the payment.
Dr. R.K. Tripathi
Seminar Convenar and Organizing secretary
Deapartment of Political Science
D.B.S. college, Kanpur.